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BrianG: Climate Change
Added Apr 26, 2017
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you know it's going downhill cuz of one of the most effective problems I mentioned also, don't really know anything about it they have they don't have any knowledge about what is calamity climate change is the change in global or reach what's the climate patterns in particular a change of parent from the mid-to-late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmosphere carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels are essential question is how does a person's knowledge of climate change affect other people's perception on climate change in order to see people's knowledge about climate change we decided to interview a couple people in our in our community of Green Design we established enough interviews to to notice enough knowledge of people's interest into climate change Time Warner Rumbles questions about change does government let you know spank your opinion on climate change stop do you talk to your partner about climate change do you trust what size say about five time change what do you what do you I believe it's happening and the cause of it is human activity has tremendous College what climate change means what Vape memes can I turn the temperature in Forest world is EPC 77 Hartford taxi Hinesville about please delete the Bible support or oppose time I honestly don't know how your religion affect your perspective on time and change not at all do you talk to your parents how about climate change we're getting to the top of this week Utah State News we're done research and all the other ones are trying to interfere for Planet stuff what do you what do you think I'm French I think it's a very serious King and all we got to take and my reminders don't have no you know we got to the monster Roseanne you don't know for a little bit Lottery finish the recording play interviews we established at people's knowledge to test people's perspective on climate change either they got it from scientists that they believe in find a classroom study in climate change we decide to take matters to own hands by researching up articles on global warming and climate we found one named is global warming real as we took notes on this we found out that another late not a lot of data was collected on more me cuz people say is real and people say is not and also the rise of sea level has doubled compared to the 20th century Trend per year when we what surprises the most was that climate models are proven unreliable our first time was that global warming is causing the temperature to rise which would mean more heat also our second claim was sometimes this and will be arguing about global warming because some say it's real and other sayings fake they claim 3 there's no debate debate over global warming has been going all around the world we still have questions about what will cause glow tell me cuz that article really did not answer a question make that a person's knowledge does effect other people's perception of climate change cuz if a person doesn't know anything about climate change they won't actually have a conversation about it towards their local community and I will affect others knowledge and mentally about climate change because they won't know anything and they don't understand how climate change affects star planet and there will be because climate change is a very terrible effect that is going on on Earth as of right now is one of the most highest effects of of Nature and human kind that is taken pull on Earth also us as as individuals take her Knowledge from scientists and also from people in our mushroom or anybody that gives information about climate change but is that really truthful even our own president Donald J does not believe in climate change if that person does not believe in climate change that controls our federal government and such who should leave it to believe in the scientist that actually study this or should believe in what we are giving for my textbooks from school and also if if our present doesn't believe in climate change should we most people will agree with Scientists or what what the book show turn the classroom but others might say that climate change was human was human made by other factories and the well-being that we do to this give me an order because affected Earth in many ways with all the pollution and such that we by dumping things in the ocean and polluting our air that we breathe is valid that we take part in action towards the community of climate change cuz it said humans have affected it somewhat the most so in other words truth be told that if a person's knowledge is knowledge is low about climate change it does affect people's perception on the subject because most will will Now understand on Endor why is affecting us as a unit and not just one individual others knowledge can be very body cuz they wouldn't care that they wouldn't care about the climate cuz by the community on how if there were surrounded by buildings factors and they wouldn't care so a person's knowledge really does affect people's perception on climate change just by the community or lack of knowledge that they run the wave or born with conclusion a person's knowledge does affect a person's perception on climate change because person does not have knowledge they will not know anything about the subject and with that it would affect the people surrounded by the individual
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