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Somto Coleman: Climate Change
Added Apr 20, 2017
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Halo 4 2.5 million years the earth's climate has fluctuated cycling from ice ages to warmer periods but in the last century the planets temperature has risen unusually fast about 2 - 1.4 degrees F scientist believe it's human activity that's driving the temperatures up a process known as global war ever since the Industrial Revolution began factories power plants and eventually cars have burn fossil fuels such as oil cool releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere these greenhouse gases trap heat near the Earth through naturally occurring process called the greenhouse effect the greenhouse effect begins with the sun and the energy it radiates to the earth the earth and the sphere absorb some of his energy while the rest is radiated back into space naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere trap some of this energy and what did back warming the earth scientists now believe that the greenhouse effect is being intensified by the extra greenhouse gases that humans have released evidence for global warming includes a recent string of very warm years scientists report that 1998 was the warmest year in measured history with 2005 coming in second meanwhile readings taken from Ice cores show that the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane have hit there highest levels in the past four hundred twenty thousand years Arctic sea ice is also shrinking according to NASA studies end of Arctic sea ice has declined about 10% in the last 30 years as long as industrialized nations consume energy and developing countries increase their fossil fuel consumption the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will continue to rise the only constant is change that's true about life and it's true about the climate the climate has been constantly changing since the earth was formed 4.6 years ago factors such as the shape and size of the Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun activity from the Sun and the loud of wobble or tilt in the Earth's axis among many others even the relatively short 300 Year. From the peak of the little ice to the present has not been steady the latest trend has been a warming one but it began nearly a century before there were can carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels and there has been no significant warming Trend in the 21st century sorry to Media headlines the trend over the past couple of decades has been essentially flat meanwhile human-caused CO2 emissions are higher than ever about 25% of all the CO2 emissions from Human sources have occurred during this period of net warming so what are we in for next will the temperature resume an upward Trend will it remain flat for a lengthy. will it begin to drop no one knows not even the biggest fastest computers all the information I've presented the increase is decreases and plateaus in temperature over the ages and into the last centuries is available to anyone who wants to seek it out tricks to eat tonight you are so hot America and I mean that literally the temperature was a balmy 60 degrees softening the New York just outside CNN Studios the average high temperature in December's know me 43 won't Midas fun in the lower 48 states the 482 daily temperature records across the country on Monday alone of man-made global warming I can be opposed to the concept to man-made climate change why we followed the evidence they are quite literally hundreds of factors that influence global temperature everything from what's the x-axis to Ocean Cycles to water vapor methane solar system the Sun Cloud feedback volcanic dust the idea that CO2 is the tail that Wags the dog is not supportive and if you go down and look at the scientific literature we're finding reams of data and new pair of you'd study showing the medieval and Roman warming periods as who are warmer than today without our CO2 emissions so what's happened here is the whole movement because now we've gone 16 years without global warming according to un data is now morphed into extreme weather and we have the Absurd spectacle of people claiming that acts of Congress the United Nations can control the weather and make hurricanes less nasty and make 20 tornadoes less frequent which by the way none of them are showing any Transit all that unusual high-volume Samsung can change climate changes the effect of the ozone layer weakening allowing the Earth's atmosphere to heat up can you believe that is happening evidence of glaciers melting in Chile and and the Arctic Ice apps are showing less I so yes I think the climate change is Cracker we are I mean not just sending everybody in the world is the cause of climate change and whether is on purpose or not I think you know nowadays before having more children who's that overpopulation as opposed to you know we have more cures for diseases so people are living a lot longer and then we also have like the you know analogy like vehicles and stuff like that which caused by pollution and things like that and then you know we don't recycle or anything like that so like animals are dying which are leading to the environment changing and things like that to watch a video just watching the video have your respective Chase on climate change now has not changed find the video make you question your belief in family change yeah yes and I want to learn about it about why people challenge the existence of climate change you're welcome thank you for interview place on the information that we have guided the question is not his real question is how fast is it happening around the world we have increased population which I will affect increased CO2 methane and other harmful atmosphere and this is how many pennies make some so sad it is happening and it's going to take time for you to stop play Slow it Down by many ways such as what's the most important thing I hope that you agree with us and if not I advise you to figure out thank you also kind of treats
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