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MariaB: Climate Change
Added Apr 26, 2017
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climate change is a change Eagle pattern for example there has been a large increase in the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the mid-twentieth century resulting in temperatures to rise ocean levels to however change has always been a controversial topic whether it's human activity or just the environment is there for today you'll get to know different perspectives towards climate change and if when and where the finger Knowledge from to replace with yes however wasn't recently no do your political views no because Trump believes climate change is a hoax and I believe it's going on how do you ever read a book on a book on sandwich so you feel climate changes affecting us today maybe human activity and no I do not do you feel human yes the production of items that require carbon dioxide how do you heard anything about a solution of 90 know where many things that it's going to start the week when it comes to climate change you could be one thing or another yet the most important Singh Is that people are not informed on you know nothing about climate change we should do something about it sort of have an idea budget in the new changes when climate patterns change which which I believe would be global do you know what kind of climate change carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas I believe there's three more but that's the only one I know you can change yeah I do because I do care you think it's affecting us lower I think it I think it affects us in a cuz it's hot like for example it's hot in California but in Kansas is school so have you seen any media coverage on how to fix can you feel towards number warming and climate change and what the weather in I don't think it affects it I don't think it has a little bit you talk about timing chains with your friends or family yeah sometimes when you guys download talk about home twitch scanner that there may be an earthquake in California due to weather changes has anyone ever tried to change the way you feel have they told you you know that is real that is not real contrary to your beliefs again people I'm trying to change my Visa what do you think how can you change your do something about it I think there is a solution but I don't think it's possible or not like I don't think you can stop it because there's so many can do it but not a lot of not a lot of us or not a lot of people are going to do that cuz you know of any changes yes when the weather changes do you know what causes kind of change you know why they're coming change how do you do you believe how to change is real life you think it's happening now with interview Play-Doh like on TV or anything like articles on computer and have you seen any type of coverage on some chains like anything that talks about it yes I have the division play do you think your religion affects the way you feel towards Financial like do you think that just because you're Catholic or whatever you think that makes you feel good vintage I don't think so do you talk about kind of tree disgusting James sometimes hard and cold weather sea level Solutions so has anyone ever tried to change the way you feel towards anything yes my kids flying with this they say it is happening this is beautiful so do you think there's a solution 400 change you think it's possible Jess 2002 Jazz by but I don't think it's possible to company, temperatures are rising over the years have you ever seen like your coverage or like a TV show that has covered amount I haven't done anything that has not seen that goes over time it is change global climate and rising up through the years Happy People religion Addison attacked on me and what do you believe in climate change sing like a political position when you know what influence your views on climate change like such as a president or a government are because like the position would they trust with the Gathering chess players go reliable on 4th have you ever read a book or Magazine on timing yet I have not I have not tonight and drive anymore do you know what time it is, now I want to meet or something do you know what type of greenhouse gases are there or the real estate carbon dioxide CO2 turn inmate searches that will you switch on push the air and Witcher traps see inside the earth and can no more war manage here human humans have a contribution timing chain Vista De fossil fuel that can transfer into the atmosphere in the forecast something or better yet do you think climate change affects you today yeah the countries that distillata company attention China they are excluded in and people get contaminated by the the air doesn't have clean air I'm not a future phone ring cannot really not really info I mean you can do things to make it like we do on the time it is by using green on green energy such as but wind turbines which is powerful energy instead of using problem.
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