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jairon: climate change
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Added Apr 20, 2017
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what do we know for sure extra hemisphere is changing weather take prices in Colorado game Sandy 360 West Virginia turn lights tortillas measures tonight the governor for during the strictest Crackdown on water all waste global warming is a gradual increase of overall Timber where in the Earth's atmosphere generally attributed to greenhouse effect caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants we wanted to know what other people know about will warming so we asked a couple people Brian Shaw timing chain change first Mercedes when did you start noticing mobile morning I think I started noticing global warming was a problem when I was in college I attended College in 2009 I went to you set of armor and I took a class on climate change and that's a thing when I open my eyes to the fact that climate change is real and that we're experiencing and just the fact that our summers are getting hotter or Winters are getting colder for me to call his that was a big thing and I think that's when it first started realizing I think all these facts about alone warming are true I just think it's our our politics than our president that is he has his own agenda and he doesn't believe is true but the work that the scientists are doing and the work that Al Gore did and you know just for that documentary is it true that true soy McDowell scientists are saying that we should be Orlando manatee oh wow that's a really good question turn on saving the environment because without the environment there could be no Humanity so I think definitely focusing on your vitamin A should be right man should come and change your fault you should consider our main priority or should we focus on all the time currently in the United States is the biggest bomb that we should focus on just because climate change is happening so fast that by the time do you know if this year is over there's going to be more time to change and more if you no more because I needs to be done so I think there's a definitely our priority Germany text Matt I think it's definitely caused by mad over the last 50 60 years received still up more cars on the road for machines or smog even in La alone I've seen just a difference from five to ten years ago to what it is now it's just amount of cars people I think it's definitely man that's made this problem for all of you man I wish I wish I could put a number on that but it looks like it looks like weed mylifetime we can see the effects of climate change getting worse so I can stay within the next 50 years ago probably need to getting worse mad today have a chance of repairing the damage that I really hope so I really hope that the damage has been done environment can be reversed at this point I'm hoping the scientist can come up with a smart solution for us to get involved in to help climate change and to all those people that don't believe them what year was like go outside and experience the weather experience our summers are way hotter our Winters are a lot of older you know we we find such search higher sea levels way more wind I just think for those people they they don't want to believe that there's something wrong so they keep hiding behind they're true so I think it's definitely something that people should need a reality check people need to realize that we need to help save our environment do you know about climate change that is affecting us right now in a society and our world do you believe in your issue why or why not plants fruits animals fishes in the sea some like that when did you first hear about climate change Bergen ocean School why is this issue constantly overlooked maybe because people don't don't believe in it they don't believe the facts maybe the media is not covering it enough maybe there is not enough money does your social group influence your views on climate change no I don't think so how will you and your community be affected by climate change well since I live in California does the sea levels my rights up do you take any make sure you everyday life to reduce your part in the environment when I'm out when I have a recyclable item recycle event on this trash I threw the trash do you think climate change is affected by human activity if so playing house I don't think I don't think it's really us the people I think it's mostly like companies that companies in what's your personal opinion on climate change I think it's happening but not not right now not in this very moment does man today have a chance turn the damage that has been done I think it's too late maybe but we can make a difference if we would all stop using the gasoline start using the electrical cars using solar panels in our houses and should climate change be considered our main priority I think I should people should invest set a time in their money song my name is Albert and this is my grandma Martha and I'll be interviewing her know about climate change I don't know much but climate change has to do with the temperature turn in the weather around this question number 2 you think you are affecting the Earth anyway how you could be because of the human activities the fossils and more greenhouses that loosens up the gases the oil holes and natural gases around us which are high in Copper carbon and it produces which is called dioxide or CO2 question number 3 why do you think we in general are affecting the Earth we are affecting the Earth by polluting the air with and before what is your opinion on financing it's bad for your health and for the Earth is well as far as the water we drink question 5 how do you feel about those against climate change it affects us because of our health question number 6 should climate change be our main priority we could be by by let's say saving power in our homes in by Stalin in Play Chance switching off lights and getting those efficient light bulbs which are giving out by the company and also long they're saying that we should drive fewer miles and our cars wasteless food and stop eating lots of meets which does affect the Earth question number 7 how bad do you think volume over the past decade it hasn't really been that bad unless you're really into climate change it also affects areas like the north North and South Pole which it's melting the ice the wrong there so that's what's making climate change question number 8 will you try to help stop climate change if I can yes play I think everyone else if we bought our if we want everything around us to be safe question number 9 do you think we can still repair the damage being done it can't be repaired because we we hotter Summers cold Winters and it's really affecting the world question number 10 how much time you possibly think we have before this problem gets too big we still have time but it will probably affect the Young Generation with 30 to 40 years but climate change it's already started so there's nothing to stop unless there's scientist that can come up with something what's going to help we should stop using crew crew loyal for everyday products like in Plastics play in gas who should be fishing you should be more strict rules with the environmental environmentalists that make sure that big corporations like ExxonMobil another gas related companies don't pollute our environment and make sure our environment will be safe enough for a future families
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