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Wendy Estrada: Climate Change
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Added Apr 20, 2017
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hey my name is Wendy Estrada from Green Design steam academy and our topic for Earth Day was global warming if you're wondering what exactly is global warming in my perspective global warming is the average increase of the surface temperature of the play that is called due to the greenhouse gases affect the greenhouse gases are as follows carbon dioxide nitrous oxide and other processes up on degree and from Recess they will remain in the atmosphere for a couple of years which therefore makes it impossible to get rid of this issue or I mean it's not really impossible but there can be things that could be done as of now rather than when it's research of the sea levels are expected to rise 72 French what's the decade does ice caps are melting rapidly Texas ice cream Court increase of water Vapors play oxide methane nitrous oxide in greenhouse gases YouTube solution substitute Shepherd humans are causing more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere faster than absorbing race list of plants in the ocean that within the past twenty years or so the data has increased and the melting of the glaciers will cost survive without a doubt and water shortages in areas that depend on natural Water Resources hi my name is Wendy and I like to be able to proceed with his interview about global warming Batman OK Google are you aware of what global warming live and what's my nickname volume varies from Fireman variability how the Earth changes over time but due to human intervention the time frame of that chain and how much that changes left really what to eat for meals at dresses play Spotify Land & Marine ecosystem because temperature the temperature changes so if nothing else at certain time Muse AC Virginia require conditioning how do you sell the change our energy usage Google change add and probably over time if the climate changes significantly enough but we will have to change it to speed to adapt to it so either will change or will dial one of them to me set timer 6 minutes okay so related to the topic of global warming do you believe historical temperature data records can be trusted turn on that one because historically the weather recording temperatures has changed also the number of score recorded temperatures has been cut. And also right now there's a difference between met with the land temperatures that they take it as site and with the satellite pictures to temperature isn't it Scott it serves a difference I think we have to look into why there's a difference and what is causing the difference scientific evidence about the Earth warming is strong enough overtime turn time to go back to the ice ages is 5 degrees colder than it is now if you go train with global during the Greek classic warming. Is a degree so maybe a little bit warmer also about a thousand years ago I said I don't agree about the same as it is now so what is causing global warming now Mega Man has caused some of it but what effect and how much it thank you so much for your time and your welcome hey so I'm going to be asking you a couple questions about the topic of global warming is that okay so the first question is can you believe humans are causing or contributing to global warming what's your opinion on that I really feel sorry for them just like looking around everything that's happening who causes all of that like it's like albatross around the neighborhood where do they end up like so I think we are somewhere another we are okay so the next question is do you believe the scientific evidence that the Earth is warming is strong enough like the you believe you could trust that evidence and its accuracy Yukon trusted specially when it comes to images because there's many documentaries out there or like just things that show you how much the earn has changed just like in a couple months local places I can buy station I prefer you can do that out okay Siri do the size it started melting so that you can see that in pictures and it just like you can many people have a believe that global warming is a theory or like a is that true so I think just based on what people believe and what people don't it's just like data has not accurately correct or it's not correct because they wouldn't be the change of difference of opinions that much to like it somehow it proves against it so they more like the average number percent of global warming occurring is 97.1 do you think you can trust that evidence or you still believe that there's not enough evidence to prove that that numbers realistic level rising interesting like that are there but I don't think it's enough for other people to believe in at 2 so I need should be stronger and bigger and there's not a lot of evidence to show that can I go green with you on sea levels it is predicted that due to global warming they will rise by 7 to 23 inches within the next century song I know there's a lot like many Island are expected to disappear to sea level rises like just things like that what make you realize it is a real thing but at the same time I don't think that evidence shows it or see of shows people how real it is because they still believe it's a Siri well thank you so much for your time I appreciate it feet to the effects of global warming we could use less energy or get the same or even high so another solution that we can do is make her location mark Raynard out of solutions my Honda is vicious miles per gallon in all models of Transport transportation and switching to low-carbon fuel and reducing vehicle miles transporting
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